King Hero's Journey Podcast
Private Membership Association
Amandha Vollmer: How the Soul Does Shine [King Hero Interview]
Join a livestream with the creator of YumNaturals Emporium, Amandha Vollmer to highlight the SoulShine Festival that is taking place in September that both Amandha and myself will be presenting at.
In this chat we’re going to discuss Amandha’s perspective on building community in the freedom, natural health and law worlds where she holds expertise, what she sees ahead of us now since the current plandemic has passed, what her perspective is on the evolution of the freedom movement, and what she…
Daniel David I AM: One [King Hero Interview]
I was driving down a country road with a friend when in his playlist a song from Daniel David I AM, musician/producer, entrepreneur missionary, and visionary, came on. I immediately needed to know who that was, because since I realized most of the music I listened to had satanic ties and vibes I have only listened to podcasts and silence, and really missed listening to music.
A year later I couldn’t resist looking him up to see if he was as cool as he seemed and it turned out he was way coole…
Brandon Sterling: Financial Collapse Psyop Part 2 [King Hero Interview]
In Part one of this interview we discussed how in 2020 the repeat doomsday reel that played through history got me, specifically the financial collapse that has everyone running like chickens with their heads CUT OFF.
Watch Part 1 Here:
In this interview we're going to go through all of the doomsdayer talking points, break them down, and showcase the real data that is proving them all wrong. We'll cover go…
Clint Richardson: The Private Domain in the Bible [King Hero Interview]
Join us Monday May 22nd at 2:00 PM CT for another live interview with Clint Richardson. I'm on another strike from YouTube I hear so this will be on Rokfin only. :-(
We’re going to talk about how the private domain is reflected in the Holy Bible and why it’s important to know.
He says, “You must learn the language of your master, for a man can only be enslaved by the words that contain his mind (beliefs) and his actions (works).
And so, as it is said, no man may have two masters, we each mu…
Brandon Sterling: Privacy is the Most Valuable Asset [King Hero Interview]
From a young age Brandon ascertained and enumerated spiritual veils that have been cast over us. Early on he began to have runs ins with various characters of esotarica and went through Job-like experiences.
After seeing the world for what it is, he immersed himself in many studies but came to hone in on business, capital markets, and law. This all eventually led him to discover that privacy is the most valuable asset and the catalyst of all of the different components of his research.
Cal Washington: Debts Forgiven and the Unforgivable [King Hero Interview]
The debt system of slavery in which many people are waking up is clearly seen in the Bible.
Clint Richardson and Brandon Sterling: Land, Sovereignty, and the Private Domain [King Hero Interview]
In this interview we will discuss the private domain, land patents, the characters promoting sovereignty and state national “remedy”, and where that leads.
We will also talk about what what would they recommend in order to seek remedy when laws, mandates, etc. affecting the health and well-being of children, our elderly and our communities are repugnant to the Common Law…
John-Logan Coots: The Private Domain and a Child's Genius Potential [King Hero Interview]
Cal Washington: Communities Back in Power [King Hero Interview]
My Interview on Crrow777 Radio - From Disease to Archetypes [Hour One]
A replay of the first hour of episode #446 on Crrow777 Radio where they interviewed me about how I went from a dying person to being a living person by discovering what in myself was draining my life energy after a three-year battle with cancer. We discussed the fine points of healing, archetypes as a path to discover the unconscious, and why there is a need to embark on the Hero's Journey to not only heal ourselves, but to return with the elixir to help and serve others with the gifts and skill…
- News (8)
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- Archetypes (25)
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- Rants and Reflections (22)
- Bitches Brew (1)
- Entrepreneurship (2)
- Law (72)
- The Bible (17)
- Private Membership Association (16)
- House of Free Will Ministry (3)
- Secret Garden Streams (1)
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