King Hero's Journey Podcast
Journey - the Book
My Interview on Crrow777 Radio - From Disease to Archetypes [Hour One]
A replay of the first hour of episode #446 on Crrow777 Radio where they interviewed me about how I went from a dying person to being a living person by discovering what in myself was draining my life energy after a three-year battle with cancer. We discussed the fine points of healing, archetypes as a path to discover the unconscious, and why there is a need to embark on the Hero's Journey to not only heal ourselves, but to return with the elixir to help and serve others with the gifts and skill…
Walking the Talk
Find the other 100+ King Hero's Journey interviews and personal rants here:
Join the King Hero Central Telegram group for King Heroes taking the risk of speaking authentically for truth and freedom, for those of us that are inspired and comforted by the work of King Heroes, and to express the voice freedom.
To Conflict or Not Conflict - A Personal Rant and Reflection
Join me for an open discussion on how to navigate in a time of unprecedented divide with honour and integrity.
Find the other 100+ King Hero's Journey interviews and personal rants here:
Join the King Hero Central Telegram group for King Heroes taking the risk of speaking authentically for truth and freedom, for those of us that are inspired and comforted by the work of King Heroes, and to express the voice freedom.
The True Nature of Pleasure - Interview With Author, James True
Scratching The Surface of the Hedonist Archetype
Here's what author of the "Technology of Belief", James True and I talked about in this interview.
The relationship of smell to pleasure.
Find out exactly why the fragrance industry can capitalize on being associated with particular scents. Know why you should avoid chemical scents altogether, and how perfume is a sigil of the senses, claiming ownership over sense information.
The Judo move of illogically assuming responsibility for everything…
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