Beth’s Anarchapulco 2024 Talk: Ascension Myth Busting for King Heroes [replay]

Beth’s Anarchapulco 2024 Talk Ascension Myth Busting for King Heroes

Join me at 2 PM CDT on Wednesday, April 17th, on Rokfin, RumbleYouTubeX and Fakebook for a live re-stream starting of one of my best talks ever at Anarchapulco 2024 on Ascension Myth Busting for King Heroes!

In this talk I shared about the fine points of how we are indoctrinated to ascend in life and spirituality, why ascension is a trap, and the true nature of the programming that keeps us trapped.

Beth's bio:

I'm a pattern hunter, archetype reader, podcaster, author, coach trainer, and …

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Jason Lindgren: The Mythos of the Hero’s Journey [King Hero Interview]

Jason Lindgren Hero's Journey

Inspired by the epic Crrow777 Radio series on the Hero’s Journey, join truth Warrior and podcaster, Jason Lindgren and myself for a talk about the pattern of beliefs, myths, and symbols that make up the archetypal Hero’s Journey that is more relevant today than ever.

Going live to Rokfin, X, Fakebook and YouTube 7 PM CST, December 20th.

Jason’s Bio:

Jason Lindgren is a musician, studio engineer, writer, talk show host, and filmmaker. Beginning with the Podcast “Secrets of Saturn”, Jason bega…

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Dr. Barre Lando: The Yin and Yang of the Nervous and Metabolic Systems [King Hero Interview]

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In this King Hero interview repeat guest Dr. Barre Lando, the founder of Alfa Vedic, is coming on for another talk, this time about the how the nervous system and the metabolism work together.

In Barre’s very outside-the-box view of the human body and energy systems this will no doubt be a huge eye opener into the inner workings at both physical, electric, and etheric levels.

In this livestream I’m going to ask him about what feeds and nourishes the nervous system and why. We’ll discuss what m…

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Daniel David I AM: Master of the Mind [King Hero Interview]

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 Daniel David I AM, musician/producer, entrepreneur missionary, and visionary, is coming on for a second interview to go deeper into the element of the mind, what the Bible instructs about it, how water and fire are connected, how he’s used this work to overcome great adversity including a meth addiction, and what he has planned to help others create from the visions God gives each one.

Check out his website: for free streaming of his two albums.

Visit https://www.quantu…

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Healing From Patterns: Live Coaching Session [King Hero Session]


Never done this before!

But I’ve come very quickly to love Lisa Marie Redl, a highly censored former media reporter, truth activist, and sister in Christ. Having been through many trials by fire and victimized in multiple situations over her life and the last three years especially (see her previous interview with me courageously exposing Daniel Lozinik).

She discovered, like everyone who also has the courage to look within at the patterns they see in their lives, that she would like to disc…

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My Interview on Crrow777 Radio - From Disease to Archetypes [Hour One]

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A replay of the first hour of episode #446 on Crrow777 Radio where they interviewed me about how I went from a dying person to being a living person by discovering what in myself was draining my life energy after a three-year battle with cancer. We discussed the fine points of healing, archetypes as a path to discover the unconscious, and why there is a need to embark on the Hero's Journey to not only heal ourselves, but to return with the elixir to help and serve others with the gifts and skill…

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James Topp: Marching With Purpose Across Canada [King Hero Interview]

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Friday, June 9th at 1:30 PM — I’ll be live with James Top as he journeys on foot across Canada, just days away from reaching his destination in Ottawa after a 4,000 plus long walk to protest the …ugh I can’t even say it.

James Topp is a current serving soldier who has served in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) for 28 years. James is in the process of being released and as such is a unique case of a current serving member engaging in peaceful protest openly. The Canada Marches team, and Canadians…

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Rose777: Beauty and the Best [King Hero Jam]

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Join us at 10 PM CDT TONIGHT (June 7) to talk with Rose777, of Crrow777 Radio, to talk about the importance and many layers of the Lover archetype whose highest expression are truth and beauty and whose shadows show up as obsession and compulsion.

Connect with Rose on her Telegram channel:


More on Beth:
Find the other 190+ King Hero's Journey interviews and personal rants


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Navigating the Wilderness, Surviving the Monkey-demic and Other Updates [Personal Rant]

June 2019-100

Join me for an informal community chat to talk about how to navigate the wilderness and some updates on what's on the horizon.


Watch on Rokfin

More on Beth:

Donate by PayPal if you’re inspired 

Find the other 190+ King Hero's Journey interviews and personal rants


Sign up by donation for the Choose Freedom Law Summit


Canadian Court Procedure Study Group - sign up


Take Dr. Frederick Graves' Jurisdictionary: How to Win in Court online course (with my link)



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The Bigger the Lie The Easier It Is to Believe - With Cambell Purvis and David Weiss

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Today!! (Monday April 11th, 5 PM CDT) FE champion, David Weiss and Autodidactic's Cambell Purvis are joining me to talk about the merits of deprogramming from the cosmological and historical lies we are fed. 

We're going to dive in with Star Forts, Tartaria, missing time and history, as well as why one of the biggest lies of all remains unseen by many.

Check out David at:

Autodidactic on YouTube:

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