King Hero's Journey Podcast

Guest Interviews

Shadoe Davis - There are More of Us Than You Think - [King Hero Interview]

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Join independent Winnipeg radio host, Shadoe Davis, and myself for a King Hero's Journey to talk about what inspired him to break away from the mainstream and join what our prime minister, JT, has called the "small fringe minority". We will geek out on what it's like to be part of the media, the responsibility it carries and how to recognize controlled op and deal with divisive factions in the truth movement.

Going live Wednesday at 3:00 PM CDT!

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Shade Stone: Where Law and Love Collide Part II [King Hero Interview]

Slade Stone Part II KH Interview

Join us Friday at 3:00 PM, CST to speak with Canadian champion in law, Shade Stone, for Part II of Where Law & Love Collide. He's going to be speaking about a recent court win using the Canadian Bill of Rights (not the Canadian Charter!).

About Shade:

Shade Stone is a Christian Canadian Musician that departed from the secular music scene in 2015 to pursue a life of Biblical Principles after recognizing that Canada as a Nation was going in a dark direction.  Not desiring to continue on the same…

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Dr. Frederick Graves - The Gospel Mystery Hidden From the Ages [King Hero Interview]

Dr. Graves KH Interview Thumbnail

Join Dr. Frederick Graves, lawyer, author, musician and creator of the very popular Jurisdictionary course, and myself, for a King Hero interview on how:

“The Gospel Mystery unlocks the deep things of God. The Gospel Mystery is Love past understanding.The Gospel Mystery replaces religiosity, challenges “churchianity”, destroys devisive doctrinal differences, tears down strongholds of men’s traditions, pulls pride from its pulpit, and sets souls free from fear by securing certain assurance of Go…

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The Fall of an Empire: New Federal Court of Canada Ruling [King Hero Interview with Glenn Bogue and Jackoline Milne]]

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HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Join us 4 PM CST TODAY for details of the new Federal Court of Canada ruling, as per the ASKIT tribunal, who ordered the crown to produce a treaty title to the land or leave the land. And now it's gone to the Federal Court of Appeal, stay tuned.

With special guests Indigenous Lawyer, Glenn Bogue, Jason LaFace, organizer of the Freedom Convoy 2022, and to speak to the historical patterns of empires falling, award-winning regenerative agriculture expert, Jackoline Milne.


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Shade Stone: Where Law and Love Collide [King Hero Interview]

Shade Stone KH Interview

Join us Friday at 1:30 PM, CST to speak with Canadian champion in law, Shade Stone, to talk about why the Canadian Charter is useless for legal and lawful documents, and how to use the Canadian Bill of Rights instead.

We will talk about practical ways to navigate the situations people find themselves in, and the powerful Christian faith he upholds as the basis for the freedom fight.

About Shade:

Shade Stone is a Christian Canadian Musician that departed from the secular music scene in 2015 to p…

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Freedom Convoy 2022 [Organizer, Jason LaFace - King Hero Interview]

Jason Freedom Convoy (1)

The Canadian Tide is Turning!!

The past 48 hours have been extraordinary as Canada stands up against the Canadian mandates on truckers that has has put the people's supply chains under severe risk.

Speaking with a Manitoba trucker joining the convoy I learned there are 150,000 trucks hitting the road en route to Ottawa where they will park until the mandates are lifted.

They they say it's is not about the poison injection mandates, this is about putting a stop to this assault on freedom on be…

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The Feminine, the Millstone, and Liability With Jackoline Milne

Jackie Milne YT Thumbnail

Join Jackoline and myself at 2 PM CST for this live stream inspired by her tenaciously held spirit of the truth. On her journey she's become knowledgeable on many subjects including the law and the Bible.

Many have criticized the Bible for it's failing to represent the feminine. We will discuss what Jackie knows to the contrary from 9 verses in the Bible that mention the word "millstone" and what Jesus said using this word.

We will also talk about what her life has taught her about expressing …

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Speaking Out Debrief: With Special Guest Joylene Onyschuk

Joy Onyschuk Debrief Interview

Creator of Joy Somatics joins me at 12:00pm CDT to debrief a meeting with school trustees where three of us spoke the plain truth in facts of the matters as they try to railroad through the gov't orders that would have all staff and kids at schools double jabbed or else. They cut Joy off in her presentation so I'm hosting her to tell the whole thing. Please come and share.


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Aeon Byte Live: Primal Archetypes with Beth Martens

Primal Archetypes with Beth Martens

Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio is one of my all-time favourite channels spreading the good word from a huge variety of perspectives. The host Miguel Conner has appeared twice on the King Hero's Journey and this will be my second time I'm honoured to be interviewed on his channel. He says...

Beth Martens returns to the Virtual Alexandria to discuss her expanded archetypal work and release programs – healing solutions for our “New World Disorder” of addiction, depression & anxiety, financial uncertain…

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