King Hero's Journey Podcast

King Hero Interviews

Paul Gautschi: Back to Eden and the Miracle of God's Favour [King Hero Interview]

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Join a live interview or catch the recording below of the gardener and master arborist featured in the film, Back to Eden that has had more than 50 million views in the past decade. I'm super excited for this, the timing couldn't be better!!

I'm going to talk with Paul Gautschi about why we were never meant to toil for food and till the land, and why Paul feels he was made for these times to help us prepare ourselves for food independence. And we'll go deep into how God's favour can become a tr…

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Clint Richardson: Federalism, Law and the Private Domain [King Hero Interview]

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Author, researcher and documentary maker Clint Richardson is coming on the King Hero's Journey to talk about how patriotism and federalism became a religion to replace God, the nature of the Private Domain, how its used to hide corruption and abuse, and his take on the law - what's real, and what's not.

Join us live Friday June 24th at 1 PM CDT

Clint's YouTube Channel:


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Bill Thornton, Creator of - Five Elements of Court Procedure [King Hero Interview]

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Join a livestream with Bill Thornton, law pioneer and 84 year old creator of, to talk about common law, the 5 Elements of court procedure, the King archetype in the court process, and the biblical foundation for his work.

June 17, at 1 PM CDT

Visit to learn more about his work.

He says,

“Back in olden days (c. 1970) when bulletin board systems in vogue (BBS), Sovereign's Paradise was on line. When the Internet made its presence, Sovereign's Paradise became the Nitty Gri…

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James Topp: Marching With Purpose Across Canada [King Hero Interview]

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Friday, June 9th at 1:30 PM — I’ll be live with James Top as he journeys on foot across Canada, just days away from reaching his destination in Ottawa after a 4,000 plus long walk to protest the …ugh I can’t even say it.

James Topp is a current serving soldier who has served in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) for 28 years. James is in the process of being released and as such is a unique case of a current serving member engaging in peaceful protest openly. The Canada Marches team, and Canadians…

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Tasha Fishman: Taking Back Our Freedoms [King Hero Interview]

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Join us live on Thursday, June 9th at 12 PM CDT for an interview of Tasha Fishman, the host of Taking Back Our Freedoms podcast and the Board Director TBOF,, an intrepid mamma bear who is not going to sit back and allow crimes against children and humanity.

For the past two years, including 5 weeks in Ottawa collaborating during the Canadian truckers convoy, she has been extremely vocal and public with her views on the abuse of our overreaching government and the attack on our civil…

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Rose777: Beauty and the Best [King Hero Jam]

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Join us at 10 PM CDT TONIGHT (June 7) to talk with Rose777, of Crrow777 Radio, to talk about the importance and many layers of the Lover archetype whose highest expression are truth and beauty and whose shadows show up as obsession and compulsion.

Connect with Rose on her Telegram channel:


More on Beth:
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Brett F: Plead the Cause and Cry Out for Justice [King Hero Interview]

Almost no one I’ve met in the alternative law world got there because they love the murky realm of the law and Brett F is not exception. As the co-host with Randy Kelton of the regular broadcast, “Rule of Law Radio”, he makes a mission of doing what God tells him to do. He quotes Isaiah 1:17 “Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for [the cause] of the widow.” as his foundation to champion people to help themselves and the vulnerable in law.

Join us l…

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Kalina Lux: Paradise in the Private [King Hero Interview]

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Join us live Friday, May 20 at 3 PM CDT to talk about her life and work in the private domain including...

Autocracy and decentralization of spirituality corresponding to the Age of Aquarius; Invoking our religious rights to Breath the Spirit without covering our faces and keeping our temples pristine and maintaining the power to dictate what goes into your body; The affidavit as a religious exemption; Synchronizing with the mindset required to build the New Sovereign Aerthe (Breakaway/Parallel…

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The Bigsib: Spiritual Backbone in Law [King Hero Interview]

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Join us Monday May 16th at 3 PM CDT for an interview with champion in law and spirit, BigSib.

In this interview we’ll discuss why he thinks having a spiritual backbone is the missing link in law and why spiritual appropriation is a very real obstacle for believers and the law community alike. We will talk about court process in the public, and PMA’s in the private, as well as the 7 levels of reading the Bible that is his main source of wisdom and direction.

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Henna Maria: Controlled Op, War Strategies and Natural Law [King Hero Interview]

The Elephant in the Truther Room: Join us for a livestream noon CDT, May 5, 2022 to talk about the elephant in the "truther" room these days, controlled op. We’re going to discuss the war strategy of using controlled op to take good people sideways, and how she uses her knowledge in Natural Law to navigate the traps and pitfalls.

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