King Hero's Journey Podcast

Dawn Lester: Medically Assisted Dying [King Hero Interview]

Dawn Lester Medically Assisted Dying

Live on Monday, December 23rd, 1:00 PM CST on Rokfin, Rumble, YouTubeX, Fakebook and Vigilante.

Join author and researcher, Dawn Lester, and myself for a chat about the growing trend of medically assisted dying that got a head start in Canada these past few years.

Based on her recent Substack article on the subject, we will go deep into the many nuances of the institutionalized death process, how people culturally are indoctrinated to view death, and the cost to really living. We’ll talk a…

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Topher Gardner: Spontaneous Generation [King Hero Interview]

Topher Gardner Spontaneous Generation

Live on Thursday, December 19th, at 1:15 PM CST on Rokfin, Rumble, YouTubeX, Fakebook and Vigilante.

Join creator of BioCharisma, Topher Gardner — builder, body worker, and astrologist — and myself for an interview about spontaneous generation, and how our inner and outer worlds get created.

In this discussion we will talk about the uniqueness of each being; what is real vs. what are desires and cravings; strength of will and free will; what he calls “spiritual trustifarians”; what he experi…

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Dr. Garrett Smith - Busting the Myths of Women’s Reproductive Health [King Hero Interview]

Dr. Garrett Smith - Busting the Myths of Women’s Reproductive Health

Live on Monday, December 16th, at 1 PM CST on Rokfin, Rumble, YouTubeX, Fakebook and Vigilante.

In this third interview with Nutrition Detective, Dr. Garrett Smith, we are going to focus on the effects of toxicity on menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause.

We will discuss why the majority of women have problems at all of these stages, the many myths of solving the problems, and how toxic bile theory can be applied to better understanding them and mitigating the negative effects…

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Kelsey Kenny - Renegade Healing Measures [King Hero Interview]

YT Kelsey Kenny Renegade Healing Measures

Live on Monday, December 2nd, at 1 PM CST on Rokfin, Rumble, YouTubeX, Fakebook and Vigilante.

I always feel like I’m in the Wild West of health and healing, aiming to break new ground and find the actual truth of it, where at all possible.

In the world of self-healing, there are hundreds of paths to go. Healing with food has always appealed to me, because it is the simplest.

I invited biologist and Nutrition Detective, Kelsey Kenny for an interview because she’s knowledgeable, empirically …

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Riun Ashlie- Trauma, Entities, and Artificial Power - [King Hero Interview]

Riun Ashlie- Trauma, Entities, and Artificial Power

Live on Friday, November 29th, at 1 PM CST on Rokfin, Rumble, YouTubeX, Fakebook and Vigilante.

In this second interview with EMF and trauma-healing expert, Riun Ashlie, we are going deeper into some of his findings over time helping people mitigate the effects of electromagnetic noise and dirty electricity and the trauma injuries, that tend to accompany the most sensitive.

We are going to discuss the relationship between trauma and sensitivities, the interaction the EMF’s and frequency dist…

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Steve Falconer: The Evolution of the Truth and Freedom Movement [King Hero Interview]

Steve Falconer The Evolution of the Truth and Freedom Movement

Live on Tuesday, November 12th at 12:00 PM CST on Rokfin, Rumble, YouTubeX, Fakebook and Vigilante.

Before 2015 I kept my head down, stayed in my lane, and did my work of helping people deprogram with blinders on to the outside mess of humanity. I never even knew there was such a thing as a truth or freedom movement. With a somewhat rude awakening between then and 2017 I got a bit of a head start to understand what blew up in our faces across the earth in 2020.

Join Steve Falconer and myself…

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Carl Massy: Navigating Complex Relationships [King Hero Interview]

Carl Massy Navigating Complex Relationships

Live on Monday, November 4th at 7:30 PM Central on Rokfin, Rumble, YouTubeX, Fakebook and Vigilante.

Strategist, coach, author, teacher, Carl Massy, helps people find an easier path when it comes to navigating physical and mental health. In this interview we’re going to focus on his knowledge of how to navigate relationships, especially the complex ones, in this day and age, upside down, clown world.

About Carl:

I have this condition where I don’t like seeing people do life HARDER t…

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Takota Coen: Regenerating Our Life Support Systems - Part 2 [King Hero Interview]

Regenerating Our Life Support Systems part 2

Live on Monday, October 7th, at 1 PM CDT on Rokfin, Rumble, YouTubeX, Fakebook and Vigilante.

Join regenerative farmer, author and consultant, Takota Coen, for the second interview on how we can be creating food solutions for ourselves instead of wasting energy studying the problem and railing against the machine.

In this conversation we will focus on raising animals for food, which ones to focus on, the chain of small scale production that brings meat to the table, and how to create the hea…

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Takota Coen: Regenerating Our Life Support Systems [King Hero Interview]

Takota Coen Regenerating Our Life Support Systems

Live on Monday, September 30th at 1 PM CDT on Rokfin, Rumble, YouTubeX, Fakebook and Vigilante.

Join myself and regenerative farmer, author, and farming consultant, Takota Coen, to talk about what food independence really takes.

In this interview we will discuss what rebellion really looks like, how to choose land and prepare for raising food animals, the practicality of growing food grains, what he thinks we’re facing in the years to come, and the spiritual side of living off of the land in…

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Dr. Garrett Smith - Antidotes to the Great Poisoning - Part 2 [King Hero Interview]

Dr. Garrett Smith - Antidotes to the Great Poisoning - Part 2

Join us live on Monday, September 23rd at 1 PM CDT on Rokfin, RumbleYouTubeX, Fakebook and Vigilante.

In this part 2 of Antidotes to the Great Poisoning with “Nutrition Detective”, Dr. Garrett Smith, we will go deeper into Toxic Bile Theory and why so-called vitamin A is a toxin and the effects it has on the primary functions in the body - digestive, hormonal, and neurological.

I’ll be asking Garret if he thinks there is and has been a vitamin A psyop and why do the vast majority of foods …

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