Marty Leeds: The Alchemy of Lord Jesus Christ [King Hero Interview]

Live on Friday, February 7th at 3 PM CST on Rokfin, Rumble, YouTube, X, Fakebook and Vigilante TV.
In this perfectly timed livestream, join the creator of The Gnostic Church and Academy of Lord Jesus Christ, friend and brother to many, Marty Leeds and myself for a talk about spiritual alchemy and the nature of the elusive, mysterious, and widely debated Lord Jesus Christ.
We will explore the reasons Marty and his wife Jen are called to host the #bestchurchever, where he sees Christianity got taken sideways, and the over-arching meaning of the patterns he finds in the Bible.
Also, we’ll do a deep dive into the nature of opposites, the prevalence of them in our language and world-view, and discover how the pain of opposing forces can be freed.
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Being free is not a spectator sport - Hal Anthony, “Behind the Woodshed”
For archetype, purpose and business coach, author, coach trainer, and founder of the House of Free Will in the Private Domain, Beth Martens, her calling is a life or death thing.
After a decade as a corporate VP in her family’s firm, 8 trips to India, and a 3-year battle with cancer 20 years ago, she used archetypes to save her life.
Today she helps truth lovers find their sacred purpose, be valued for their life’s work, and survive the ordeals of their Hero's Journey. As a recovering feminist, she helps strong men to survive their missions, and hosts the King Hero's Journey podcast to highlight important leaders, entrepreneurs, movement makers, law experts, and purveyors of the truth.
To do a free ‘King Hero’ Archetype Quiz to learn where you are on the path of purpose, find her book, “Journey: A Map of Archetypes to Find Lost Purpose in a Sea of Meaninglessness”, and to apply to become a member in the House of Free Will Ministry visit her website at
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The Bible was not written in English or Greek, but it has been translated into those language. So he needs to take it to that level with Hebrew and build from there, to see if it matches what he finds in the English and Greek. Adam was made by the Elohim and the Elohim are androgynous and they are not the creator they are a created being. If you turn Yeshua into a worship of the physical man you turn it into idolatry. If it is good and evil, in Deuteronomy 30:19 we would have been given good and evil as a choice to follow, but Moses boiled it down to Living and dying. Good and evil is in perspective, we all have a different picture of what is good and evil. There is not a single English translation that is correct if it were then Jesus would not be in the English Bible, but his name would be Joshua. In regards to Freemasonry, read Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike a 33 degree Mason. They do the symbolism, because there are more than one meaning for every symbol and you never really get to the real meaning for that symbol and it is done that way show which path they are really on. I have a copy of Morals and Dogmas and I have read it.
In regards to language the Bible is written in Hebrew, so let's go the the Hebrew alphabet Aleph and Tov are the first and the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet Aleph to Mem are the first 13 letters and that word means mother and Mem to Tov are the last 12 letters and that word means adult and man. So, here the alphabet is the picture of the Creator it begins with the mother and she has one more letter than the man that is why she is considered the head and she comes first and when you examined the Hebrew life stile the child lived with the mother till the time of the bar or bat mitzvah, which was around age 13 and then after that the boy began to spend time with the father to take what they learned from the mother (Prov 1:8; 6:20). and death is Mem Vov Tov. Death happens in amongst the time with the Man, while the Living is in the time of the Mother.
Her is a reason you cannot mix languages is has to do with the gematria. The gematria for English is different from Hebrew and Hebrew is the Language of the Bible. So, you cannot mix the two gematria and if you choose a word to based on the gematria, you will come up with words that do not match in other area. The biggest example of this is the so called name of God, Yahweh. The word Yahweh in Hebrew has a gematria of 26 and the English gematria for God is 26, but God is also a Hebrew word and it is the name of another elohim, the elohim of Fortune and Luck and the Hebrew Gematria of God is 7 all of this proves you cannot transfer the Gematria of Hebrew to English or English to Greek. They cannot line up or match English with Hebrew each sends a different message. The Gematria is a way of sending an underlying message. I am not an expert in Gematria, but I understand patterns of number and the English Gematria is different from the Hebrew gematria and you cannot get them to match and have the same message. So, you develop a real spiritual message using numbers in one language that will change when you switch to a different language. So the gematria for English is different from Greek, so Greek would have a different spiritual message in the gematria. That is why Language is not from the Creator, but it is from the Elohim. language is a form of sorcery, that is why you "Spell" words. The elohim are sorcerers. Sorcerers use spells.
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