Benny Wills: The Creation of Care [King Hero Interview]

Join us live on Monday, June 24th at 12:30 PM CDT on Rokfin, Rumble, X and Vigilante.
In this King Hero interview I have the pleasure of hosting speaker, poet, comedian, and keeper of a healing space for men, Benny Wills!
While I met him briefly at my first Anarchapulco event in 2020, our mutual friends have been trying to get us together in a conversation for a while now! So I’m looking forward to talking with him about creating care, what that means in activism and speaking out, and his life coaching and teaching.
We will talk about how he came to the role he serves in the freedom movement (whatever that is lol), what inspires him to help and serve on his Hero’s Journey, and how he manages his nurturing nature.
My interview by Alec Zeck will be dropping the same day, and I’ll be making a special announcement about The Nurturer Cure: Crushing With Boundaries course I’m hosting in June! Monday is a good day to check in with it!!
Who Is Benny Wills?
Silver-tongued bard obsessed with Truth.
I am a writer. I apply timeless wisdom to the modern world. So you can hack the matrix (and win the game). I've traveled the world as a poet and emcee, co-created the comedy YouTube channel JoyCamp, and coached hundreds of students on effective communication and self-reliance.
With the right tools, you can exceed your expectations of what's possible for your life — beyond your wildest dreams.
“The only way to change the world is to change your world.” - Benny Wills
Iron Wills -
Here are all of the links I promised, and a few more!
Starting today, June 24th, the early bird for The Nurturer Cure: Crushing With Boundaries course is reopening in honour of Alec Zeck's interview of me in-person in Texas is being released today. See details here:
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Being free is not a spectator sport - Hal Anthony, “Behind the Woodshed”
For archetype, purpose and business coach, author, coach trainer, and founder of the House of Free Will in the Private Domain, Beth Martens, her calling is a life or death thing.
After a decade as a corporate VP in her family’s firm, 8 trips to India, and a 3-year battle with cancer 20 years ago, she used archetypes to save her life.
Today she helps truth lovers find their sacred purpose, be valued for their life’s work, and survive the ordeals of their Hero's Journey. As a recovering feminist, she helps strong men to survive their missions, and hosts the King Hero's Journey podcast to highlight important leaders, entrepreneurs, movement makers, law experts, and purveyors of the truth.
Visit her at to do a free ‘King Hero’ Archetype Quiz to learn where you are on the path of purpose. Find her book, “Journey: A Map of Archetypes to Find Lost Purpose in a Sea of Meaninglessness” is available at Apply to become a member in the House of Free Will Ministry at
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