Max Igan: Losing Everything Can Be the Greatest Gift [King Hero Interview]

Join a King Hero interview with legend in truth media, Max Igan, the host of The Crowhouse!
Live July 29th at 1:00 PM CDT.
In this interview we’re going to cover a variety of subjects he’s dove deep into including the falsification of history and our timelines, his take on the controversial germ theory and Flat Earth, why he became exiled from his home in Australia (and how he’s coped), what he sees is the greatest hope for humanity now in these times he predicted accurately would come, and why he thinks losing everything can be the greatest gift.
In his own words here’s a bunch about Max from his website
My real given name will remain anonymous and my second name is Maxwell. My last name will also remain anonymous. I live in Queensland, Australia and at the time of writing this essay, it is June 2007 and I am 49 years old. The pen-name Max Igan that I have become known by is a combination of my middle name and my sons’ middle name. As a matter of interest, Igan is the original Irish spelling of the name Ian, and no, I do not have any Irish roots, we just liked the name. :) I decided upon the name Max Igan as my pen-name & internet identity as a tribute to my son and as a dedication to him. Any and all work I have done on the internet I have done mainly for him, first and foremost.
I have always had a strong love for art and music and spent many hours constructing drawings I would give away during my teenage years and a few pencil a pen drawings that I kept, some of which are displayed on this site. I began messing around in Photoshop, Bryce and a few other 3D programs in my spare time about 3 years ago and most of the art found on this site is a result of those ongoing efforts.
He quotes Martin Luther King:
"The Ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy... Cowardice asks the question – Is it safe? Expedience asks the question – Is it Politic? Vanity asks the question – Is it popular? But Conscience asks the question – Is it right?
And there comes a time when a man must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because it is RIGHT!” .
Most of my time these days is spent on my radio show and video presentations, research into Government Corruption and Ancient History, working on my next book and artwork when I can find the time .
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About Beth Martens
For business coach, archetype reader, author, coach trainer, and founder of the House of Free Will Ministry, Beth Martens, her calling is a life or death thing. After a decade as a corporate VP in her family’s firm, 8 trips to India, and a 3-year battle with cancer 20 years ago, she used archetypes to save her life.
Today she helps truth lovers find their sacred purpose, be valued for their life’s work, and survive the ordeals of their Hero's Journey. As recovering feminist, she is passionate about hosting the King Hero's Journey podcast highlighting leaders, entrepreneurs, movement makers, and purveyors of the truth.
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Hi Beth,
Just wanted to share. I used to work in Healthcare until 2020. Suffered a severe mental health breakdown when I discovered the truth. I too, lost everything, my home, my belongings, my son had to be sent to his father's, I've lost the life in my own body, I've been in and out of hospital, unable to work, and currently homeless. I'm not sure where to go from here. The truth is important, but it didn't stop me from being psychologically tortured into the injections. I pray God will forgive me. The experiences I've had have been terrifying. There are dark forces that do attack people like myself. I'm worried that I've lost my own organic body and feel like I've been shoved into a computer simulation and don't feel like I'm even on earth anymore; imprisoned. I've been searching for answers since. Thank you for what you do.
Much love,
I'm sorry to hear about coercion to take jab, I forgive you and God also but now you must do a lot more work than us if you want to be saved. And by God forgiving you it doesn't mean that you will be saved because you got yourself to this situation so only you can get out of it but this time with help of higher self. First thing is that you must have faith and second is to deactivate weapon system inside of you and detox rest toxic shit.
Here is two most powerful video I can give you from where you can start and if you want to live you must work hard to purify your body from toxins and mind from toxic mindset (addiction, false believe, behavior that hurts you). Listen to your intuition and keep digging.
Btw how do you get access to internet and PC/phone? Did you lost all of your stuff? Because you need some shelter and products to detox. I hope u all the best!
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