Bill Thornton, Creator of - Five Elements of Court Procedure [King Hero Interview]

Join a livestream with Bill Thornton, law pioneer and 84 year old creator of, to talk about common law, the 5 Elements of court procedure, the King archetype in the court process, and the biblical foundation for his work.
June 17, at 1 PM CDT
Visit to learn more about his work.
He says,
“Back in olden days (c. 1970) when bulletin board systems in vogue (BBS), Sovereign's Paradise was on line. When the Internet made its presence, Sovereign's Paradise became the Nitty Gritty Law School.
Eventually its name morphed into the Nitty Gritty Law Library. It’s motto is "Through the courts, encouraging the government to obey the law."
Everything on the Library website is free. Everyone has unlimited access to the information.
If you are looking for something specific, on the home page,, just click on "Search this Website" and type in the words.
The Magna Carta was signed by King John in the year 1215. Hence, the website name. The Library occasionally has seminars and provides speakers. On just search for "Bill Thornton Common Law" to access past lectures.
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About Beth Martens
For business coach, archetype reader, author and coach trainer, Beth Martens, her calling is a life or death thing. After a decade as a corporate VP in her family’s firm, 8 trips to India, and a 3-year battle with cancer 20 years ago, she used archetypes to save her life.
Today she helps truth lovers find their sacred purpose, be valued for their life’s work, and survive the ordeals of their Hero's Journey. As recovering feminist, she is passionate about hosting the King Hero's Journey podcast highlighting leaders, entrepreneurs, movement makers, and purveyors of the truth.
Contact Beth at
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