Freedom Convoy 2022 [Organizer, Jason LaFace - King Hero Interview]

The Canadian Tide is Turning!!
The past 48 hours have been extraordinary as Canada stands up against the Canadian mandates on truckers that has has put the people's supply chains under severe risk.
Speaking with a Manitoba trucker joining the convoy I learned there are 150,000 trucks hitting the road en route to Ottawa where they will park until the mandates are lifted.
They they say it's is not about the poison injection mandates, this is about putting a stop to this assault on freedom on behalf of everyone being asked to choose against their better judgement and their unalienable rights.
Check out the links below for their website and the GoFundMe where to date there's nearly $3 million dollars raised in less than 2 days!!
Join us live at 4 PM CST Monday January 24, 2022 for this historic moment in these insanely crazy times.
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Wow! Love what Jason had to say about government and how it should be restructured!! BRAVO!!!
The Royals have fallen, they will no longer be an influence, it's theatre for now. Good for you Jason, I have a sister in Lake Wanapitei. Canadians have to bind together, I am from the North, and live and work in the US. Glad to see more movement on the local level.
its true but its sad to see that we are bringing down our own government just to loose our own sovereignty and give away our power to the NWO
Remember that there can only be one power and this fiasco was invented to take the focus off of what is really at stake which is the sovereignty of the man and our God given rights. They want us to bring down our own government so there will only be a representative government to the one world power, religion and monetary system. This is a transfer of our power to the NWO. All power will be given.......
I hear ya Jim! Thanks for making this important point.
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